The careless AI dampens the realism of the battles and often forces you to repeat sections multiple times. Healing your team often leaves you exposed to the enemy, risking a quick death that forces you to start the firefight all over again.

Healing your friends takes quite some time too, because there is one process to stop bleeding and another to heal wounds. Friendly AI shows little desire to stay behind cover, and one hit is enough to incapacitate them. During particularly intense firefights, you sometimes spend as much time healing your teammates as you do shooting at the enemy. They often wander off on their own even if told to hold position, for example, and when complying with the "follow" command, they walk into your crossfire with alarming regularity. However, despite your best efforts, your AI squadmates show very little awareness of what is going on around them, and don't have much sense of self-preservation. The key to success in the single-player game is to make sure your team is always in a position to respond quickly to new situations. These start with simple commands such as "follow me" or "hold position" and then progress to orders such as assaulting buildings, suppressing targets, and calling in airstrikes or artillery. To control your team amid the increasing chaos of the Tajik battlefield, you can issue a variety of specific orders to your brothers in arms. However, the plot is a little lacking in originality. The story is well-presented with great looking cut-scenes that mix footage from the game with video from the real-world conflict in Afghanistan. What starts out as a small operation quickly escalates as China's People's Liberation Army forces move into the country to wipe out insurgents who have been attacking the Chinese border.

In the campaign you play as the leader of Fireteam Bravo, a four-man team that is part of a larger marine squad sent into Tajikistan to chase down insurgents who have fled the conflict in Afghanistan. Now Playing: Operation Flashpoint: Red River Video Review By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's